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Recently Added/Opened views

Each time when user Add, Open or Make an Activity on a record in Exelare. The record user opens is recorded by Exelare automatically. Now user can see all such records under “Recent” views in all the four major entities i.e Companies, Contacts, Candidates and Jobs.


Click on the Recent view or ‘+’ button to expand the tree view.
You will see 4 Views:
  1. Added
  2. Opened by Me
  3. Opened 
  4. Activities

Added: This view will show user all records that are added in the last 90 days by any user. Scroll to the right to see the "Create Date" for each of those records.

Opened By Me: This view will show user all records that are opened by the logged in user for the last 90 days. Scroll to the right to see the "Opened Date" for each of those records.

Opened: This view will show all records that are opened by all users in the last 90 days. Scroll to the right to see the "Opened Date" for each of those records and the "Opened By" User Name.

Activity: This view will show all records on which there is any activity in the last 90 days . Example: Emails sent, Linked Emails, Notes, Calls scheduled or Status added in the last 90 days. Scroll to the right to see the Last activity date, Last activity Type of that record.

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