Automatic Email templates to manage Interviews
Edit existing template:
In "C:\Program Files (x86)\cBiz\ExelareWPF\" select the file interview-template.html. You can open this in Notepad++ and make changes as needed.
New interview templates for different Companies:
Instead of just using one interview template for all clients. Different companies can have different arrangements, parking instructions, dress codes, etc. Exelare now automates this process with a dynamically built email.
In such scenarios, User can create their own Interview Invitations as a (.TXT) or (.HTML) file for each Company separately. You can also customize the email content and include the Exelare fields that the user needs to automatically populate.
Anyone with basic HTML knowledge will be able to design (.HTML) files. If not, you can create a simple text file (.TXT) and link it to the Company record.
If you need further assistance, please contact we will be glad to help and might charge the user a small fee for the custom work.
1) Add an HTML or TXT document with "SubType" as "Interview" to the Company.

2) Right-click on the candidate, choose "Schedule" -> Interview.

3) Select your desired type of "Interview" and add the Date-n-Time and hit "Save and Close".

4) Interview Invitation email window populates automatically with all the details and will be sent to the Candidate.

5) You can copy anyone if you want in CC or BCC and hit "Send".
NOTE: The ICS file is attached automatically to the email. This way recipient will have the option to add it to their Calendar.
Below is the format of the mail that will be received by the candidate.

The customized TXT or HTML file needs to be attached to the Company record.
Example of TXT file:
Hi [[Consultants.FirstName]],<br /><br />I have scheduled an interview with [[Contacts.DisplayName]] for [[Requirements.JobTitle]].<br /><br />Below are the interview details along with the Job description:<br /><br />Interview Date: [[Reminders.StartDateTime]] <br />City: [[Requirements.City]]<br />State: [[Requirements.State]]<br />Consultants Summary<br /><br />[[Consultants.Summary]]<br /><br />Job Description:<br /><br />[[Requirements.Description]]<br /><br /><br />
Example of HTML file:
<table border="0" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bordercolorlight="#FFFFFF" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" style="font-size: 11pt;font-family: 'Google Sans',Sans-Serif,Arial,Verdana;color: rgba(64,81,102,.96);">
<div id="SalutationNew" style="font-size: 11pt;font-family: 'Nunito Sans',Sans-Serif,Arial,Verdana;color: rgba(64,81,102,.96);">Hi [[FirstName]],</div><br><br>
<div align="center"><strong><u><font size="3">CANDIDATE INTERVIEW CONFIRMATION</font></u></strong></div><br>
<table width="100%" border="2" bordercolor="rgba(64,81,102,.96)" bordercolorlight="#000000" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" style="border-radius: 8px;">
<table width="100%" border="0" bordercolor="#FFFFF" bordercolorlight="#FFFFF" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" style="font-size: 11pt;font-family: 'Nunito Sans',Sans-Serif,Arial,Verdana;color: rgba(64,81,102,.96);">
<tr><td colSpan="2" align="center"><div align="left"><strong>We understand that an interview has been scheduled with our client. Please advise us if there are any changes:</strong></div></td>
<tr><td width="50" align="left"><strong>Contact:</strong></td>
<td><div><strong>[[Contacts.DisplayName]]</strong>, with <strong>[[Contacts.CompanyName]]</strong> or one of its affiliate businesses.</div></td>
<tr><td width="50" align="left"><strong>Candidate:</strong></td>
<td><div><strong>[[Consultants.DisplayName]]</strong>, in consideration of a <strong>[[Requirements.ReqID]]</strong> - <strong>[[Requirements.JobTitle]]</strong> position</div></td>
<tr><td width="50" align="left" valign="top"><strong>Interview Date/Time/Place:</strong></td>
<td><div><strong><span id="timeonly"></span></strong> on <strong><span id="dateonly"></span></strong> at the following location:<br/>
<div id="Signature"></div>
If you need any help or assistance in designing the Interview Invitation email, please reach out to